Section 10.7 Certificates

Section 10.7 Planning Certificates are issued in accordance with the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. They contain information on how a property may be used and the restrictions on development. A person may request a 10.7certificate to obtain information about his or her own property but generally a 10.7 certificate will be requested when a property is to be redeveloped or sold. When land is bought or sold, the Conveyancing Act 1919 requires that a Section10.7 Planning Certificate be attached to the contract for sale.

Types of Certificates

Strathfield Council’s Planning Certificates are issued under Section 10.7 (2) and 10.7 (5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Information to be disclosed on a Section 10.7 (2) Planning Certificate is specified under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 (Schedule 2) and includes the following where relevant:

  • Names of relevant planning controls ie SEPP’s, LEP’s, REP’s, DCP’s
  • Declared State Significant Developments
  • Zoning and land uses under the planning control
  • Critical habitat
  • Heritage Information
  • Land reserved for acquisition
  • Coastal Protection
  • Mine subsidence
  • Road widening and road realignment
  • Council and other public authority policies on hazard risk restrictions
  • Section 94 Contributions Plans
  • Matters arising under the Contaminated Land Management Act, 1997

The Section 10.7 (2) Planning Certificate contains the above information.



The fees have been set under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and apply when obtaining a Section 10.7 (2) and (5) Planning Certificate as per Council’s Fees and Charges.

Strathfield Council charges an additional urgency fee for 24 hour collection from date of receipt by Council.


Processing Times

Once Council receives your request with correct payment attached, the Section 10.7 Planning Certificate will be processed.

Council will aim to process the Planning Certificate within four (4) working days if all the information received is accurate and no additional information is required.


Obtaining Certificates

Applications for Planning Certificates must be made online via Council’s eServices portal.

To request a Certificate click on the link below to be directed to the online portal.

Request a Certificate