Better Health Company - Think, Eat and Move Program Think Eat and Move is a FREE online health coaching program to give teenagers the skills to better manage their health through education around healthy eating and physical activity.Time commitment is only 1-2 hours per week for 8 weeks. Type : Community Groups and ProgramsChildren and FamilyHealth Services
Homebush OOSH (Homebush out of school hours) 25 Broughton rd, Strathfield 2135 Child care for school age children Type : Children and Family
Muslim Women Australia 47 Wangee Rd Lakemba NSW 2195, Greenacre 2195 Muslim Women Australia (MWA) was established in 1983 and work towards enriching humanity, advocating for equality and the rights of all women, through authentic and sincere leadership. Programs include community development, homelessness and domestic and family violence, settlement support, advocacy and representation, health and wellbeing. Type : Education and Care ServicesCommunity CentresCommunity Groups and ProgramsChildren and FamilyWomenMulticultural Services