
Aboriginal Recognition and Protocol Policy

Access to Information (GIPA)

Asbestos Management Policy

Code of Conduct

The Local Government Act 1993 requires every council to adopt a code of conduct that incorporates the provisions of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW. Strathfield Council’s Code of Conduct was adopted on 22 May 2019. Our Code of Conduct is supported by the Strathfield Council Procedure for the Administration of the code which outlines the process for the lodgement and investigation of complaints.

Councillors, members of staff of Council and delegates of the Council must comply with the applicable provisions of Council’s Code of Conduct.

Failure by a Councillor to comply with an applicable requirement of Council’s Code of Conduct constitutes misbehaviour. Failure by a member of staff to comply with Council’s Code of Conduct may give rise to disciplinary action.

Council has also adopted policies setting standards of behaviour in regard to Council’s business partners, volunteers and community representatives.  These policies are:

Business Ethics Policy

Council’s Business Ethics Policy is designed to complement Council’s Code of Conduct.  Council’s Business Ethics Policy applies to Councillors, council staff, tenderers, suppliers, contractors and consultants and their sub-contractors/employees.

The objectives of the Business Ethics Policy is to

  • set out the ethical standards expected of Council’s suppliers and business partners
  • encourage compliance with Council’s ethical standards
  • provide guidance on complaints and reporting processes

The policy sets out the ethical standards which apply to Council and its business partners, reporting of complaints and consequences for breach of the policy and Code of Conduct.

Gifts and Benefits

Council’s Code of Conduct and associated policies such as Business Ethics and Volunteers and Community Representatives Policy do not permit Councillors, Council staff, contractors or volunteers to:

  • seek or accept a bribe or other improper inducement
  • seek gifts or benefits of any kind
  • accept any gift or benefit that may create a sense of obligation on their part or may be perceived to be intended to likely to influence them in carrying out their public duty
  • accept any gift or benefit of more than token value
  • accept an offer of money, regardless of the amount.

It is the policy of Council that staff and Councillors must disclose in writing to the General Manager all offers of gifts or benefits, including those of token value.   Council maintains a register of gifts and benefits which records all gifts and benefits offered to Council staff or Councillors.

Under no circumstances, should any offer of money (eg bribe or other improper inducement) be made or accepted.  Any offer of a bribe must be reported in writing to the General Manager for consideration of appropriate action.

Volunteers & Community Representatives Policy

Council’s Volunteer & Community Representatives Policy has applied since February 2007 and is designed to complement Council’s Code of Conduct, which applies to all Council officials including Councillors, staff and delegates of Council.

The Volunteer and Community Representatives Policy provides guidance and assistance to all volunteers who participate in the following activities:

  • Council committees or working groups
  • Council activities or programs with identified volunteer positions
  • Council activities and programs managed through agreement with educational, community and not for profit organisations such as schools, service clubs, environmental groups, cultural, sport and recreation organisations.

The aim of this policy is to provide guidance in avoiding difficulties and conflicts by understanding the responsibilities of community representation with Strathfield Council. Issues such as conflict of interest, security and privacy are outlined in this policy.

Access to Documents

A copy of the Code of Conduct and associated policies are available for viewing or copying (see below).  If you are unable to view or copy from this website, please contact Council on 9748 9999, email Council or visit Council’s Customer Service Centre at 65 Homebush Road Strathfield to request access to this document or previous versions.

Code-of-Conduct-1.pdf(PDF, 598KB)

Procedures-for-the-Adminisration-of-the-Code-of-Conduct.pdf(PDF, 760KB)

Business-Ethics-Statement.pdf(PDF, 742KB)

Code of Meeting Practice

Council and Committee Meetings, where all members are Councillors, operate in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.  The current version of the Code of Meeting Practice was adopted on 7 February 2023.

The Code is established under section 360(2) of the Local Government Act 1993 (‘Act’) and incorporates meeting procedures set out in the Act, Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and local provisions, consistent with the relevant legislation.

A copy of the Code of Meeting Practice is available for viewing or copying (see below).

If you are unable to view or copy from this website, please contact Council on 9748 9999, email Council or visit Council’s Customer Service Centre at 65 Homebush Road Strathfield to request access to this document or previous versions.

For further information please contact Council’s Customer Service on 9748 9999.

Code-of-Meeting-Practice-15-December-202313-1.pdf(PDF, 477KB)

Companion Animal Management Policy

Complaints Handling Policy

Contract Management Policy

Councillors Expenses and Facilities Policy

The Councillors Expenses and Facilities Policy sets out the entitlements of Councillors to Council facilities, fees and reimbursement of expenses. This policy is reviewed on an annual basis and meets the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993 and Office of Local Government Guidelines.

A copy of the Policy is available for viewing or copying (see below).  If you are unable to view or copy from this website, please contact Council on 9748 9999, email Council or visit Council’s Customer Service Centre at 65 Homebush Road Strathfield to request access to this document or previous versions.

Councillor-Fees-and-Expenses-2023-2024-1-1.pdf(PDF, 5MB)

Councillor Induction and Professional Development

Customer Service Charter

Council’s Customer Service advisers handle all monetary transactions and service requests and can answer most queries immediately, or will refer you to the appropriate area for further information.

How You Can Help Us

You can help us meet these commitments by:

  • Dealing with us honestly
  • By providing accurate and complete details with any queries
  • By phoning to make an appointment if you have a complex enquiry or need to see a specific officer
  • Letting us know when you are particularly happy with our services
  • Telling us how we can improve our services

Measuring and Monitoring our Performance

The Customer Service team follow the Council Service Standards and the Customer Service Charter.

We will continuously monitor our performance against Council’s Service Standards.

We will also monitor the number and nature of customer complaints and other customer feedback to see where and how our services need to be improved.

The Council aims to continually improve its service delivery and values feedback from customers on how services can be improved. Customers dealing with Council can expect staff to be open to new ideas on customer service and act on it where appropriate. We are committed to enhancing the knowledge of staff and developing technology to improve the standard of services provided to our customers.


Please see information on submitting a complaint, and how Council responds here.

Strathfield Council’s Customer Experience Strategy

We're excited to share our new Customer Experience Strategy, designed to improve the experience for all our residents and stakeholders.

This plan focuses on delivering efficient service across all Council departments.

Key Goals of the Strategy:

  • Quicker and more efficient responses to customer inquiries
  • Better communication options for easier interaction with the Council.
  • Building a customer-first mindset among staff through ongoing training.
  • Setting clear service standards to ensure timely and consistent responses.
  • Regularly gathering feedback to keep improving our services.
  • Endorsed by the Council’s Executive Team, this strategy will guide us in becoming more responsive, accessible and customer-focused.

Customer Experience Strategy(PDF, 1MB)

Customer-Service-Charter.pdf(PDF, 657KB)

Disposal of Council Assets Policy

Election Campaign Guidelines

Events in Council Parks and Facilities Policy

Financial Assistance Policy

Financial Reserves Policy

Graffiti Management Policy

Hire Community Facilities & Community Discount Policy

Pesticide Notification Plan

Council’s Pesticide Use Notification Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Pesticides Act 1999 and Pesticides Regulation 2017.


Pesticide-Notification-Plan-April-2024.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Planning Agreement Policy

Standard templates for Planning Agreements and the accompanying Explanatory Note have also been prepared to provide greater consistency and control over Planning Agreements.  The Policy provides details of when an agreement can be entered into and what process should be followed. The Policy is accompanied by the following:

  1. Template Planning Agreement – to form the basis of any future agreement
  2. Template Explanatory Note – a plain English accompaniment to the draft Template Planning Agreement

Before submitting a request for a Planning Agreement, please contact the Manager, Planning and Development on 9748 9999.


Planning-Agreements-Policy-Adopted-7-March-2023.pdf(PDF, 226KB)

Planning-Agreement-Template-2023.docx(DOCX, 187KB)

Planning-Agreement-Explanatory-Note-Template.docx(DOCX, 60KB)

Prevention of Fraud and Corrupt Conduct Policy

Sponsorship Policy

Vehicle Crossing (Driveway) and Associated Works

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