Development Applications

Online Planning Applications

From 1 July 2020, all planning applications, including Development Applications and Complying Development Certificates for Strathfield Council will need to be electronically lodged online via the NSW Government Planning Portal.

The new process enables customers to lodge applications anytime using the online portal.

Paper applications will no longer be accepted.

Please click here for further information and how-to-guides outlining the steps for the new development application process.


What is a Development Application?

Before you can make changes to a building, you may need to a lodge a Development Application.

A Development Application (DA) is a formal request for consent to carry out development. This type of development approval is the most common way of obtaining development consent in NSW.

In this section of the website you will find all the information required to lodge a DA via the NSW Planning Portal.

Accessing Development Applications

Development applications and associated documents are ‘open access’ documents under the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2009. 

Development Applications and all associated documentation to support the application can be viewed on Council’s website via the DA Tracker and searching for the relevant property or application number and year.

The online DA tracking facility provides information on all Development Applications since 1 January 2015 and acts as Council’s Public Register of Consents.

Documents provided by Strathfield Council are for information purposes only, as required by relevant legislation.  Copyright laws still apply to these documents.  Some documents may have been amended (redacted) in order to protect personal information such as phone numbers, fax numbers and signatures.


Do I Need a Development Application?

A development application (DA) is required for most development in the local area.

Development is defined under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act as:

  • the use of land;
  • the subdivision of land;
  • the erection of a building;
  • the carrying out of work;
  • pruning or removing trees;
  • demolition;and
  •  any other matter controlled by an environmental planning instrument.

To obtain development consent you must lodge a development application with Council via the NSW Planning Portal. However, some minor development, called exempt development does not require consent. Another type of development called complying development, requires a complying development certificate. These are discussed below.

What is Exempt Development?

Some minor building works don’t require any planning or building approval. This is called exempt development. Exempt development is very low impact development that can be done for certain residential, commercial and industrial properties. Provided your building project meets specific development standards under State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development) 2008, approval from Council is not needed.

A few examples of development that can be exempt are: decks, garden sheds, carports, fences, repairing a window or painting a house. As long as the proposed works meet all of the development standards identified in the State Policy for exempt development, approval is not needed.

What is Complying Development?

Complying Development is a combined planning and construction approval for straightforward development that can be determined through a fast track assessment by a council or private accredited certifier. A Complying Development Certificate is generally determined within ten (10) days.

Complying development applies to homes, businesses and industry and allows for a range of development including construction of a new dwelling house, alterations and additions to a dwelling house, swimming pools, demolition and changes to a business use.

Determination of a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) relies on a code-based assessment against the relevant development standards provided within the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.

Note: If an application exceeds the relevant development standards contained within the State Policy, a development application will be required to be lodged with Council.


Most work involving a listed heritage item (that is listed on the State Heritage Register or is subject to an interim heritage order under the Heritage Act 1977, or that is identified under Schedule 5 of the Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012) will require development consent from Council. However, there are provisions allowing for some minor works to be carried out involving heritage places, with the process for the different types of heritage listing outlined below:

Items listed under the Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012

For items listed under Schedule 5 of the Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012, there are some minor and maintenance works such as repointing, painting works, fencing maintenance, and the like that may be carried out without development consent. These minor works must be confirmed by Council in writing as exempt works before being carried out. An application form for this confirmation is available here(PDF, 173KB).

Items within a listed Heritage Conservation Area

For land within a Heritage Conservation Area listed under Schedule 5 of the Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012, some types of exempt development are available under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008. The exempt provisions of the Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012 as described above for individual items also apply, and an application for minor heritage works may be submitted to Council for these properties.

Items on the State Heritage Register

For works involving an Item listed on the State Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 1977 (or a site that is subject to an Interim Heritage Order under that Act), you are advised to contact the Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage for further information.


What Documents are Required for a Development Application?

A development application must be lodged on the NSW Planning Portal and must be accompanied by supporting documents. Details about the supporting documents are found below.

Checklists & Documents Guide

The following documents have been prepared to assist you in determining the supporting information that you will need to provide with your application.

Application Documents Guide(PDF, 572KB)

Use this glossary to assist you in determining the minimum information that is required on each supporting document

DA Application Matrix Checklist For Minor Residential Development(PDF, 563KB)

 Use this checklist if your development involves works relating to minor residential development or ancillary works

DA Application Matrix Checklist For Other Development(PDF, 202KB)

Use this checklist if your development involves a development other than minor residential development

Please note that the above information is a guide and council reserves the right to request more information. Please contact council’s Planning Portal Administrator on 9748 9999 if you need further assistance or clarification with lodging your application.


Track a Development Application

Strathfield Council is pleased to offer an online service that enables you to track the progress of recently submitted or determined Development Applications (DAs) including modification applications and review of determination applications.

How to Track an Application

Click here to track the progress of a development application.


Pre-lodgement Meetings

Pre-lodgement meetings are recommended if you intend to lodge a Development Application (DA) in order to obtain feedback on initial design concepts and Council’s technical requirements.

How to Submit Your Pre-lodgement Application

Pre-lodgement applications are to be submitted electronically via email to including all supporting plans, documentation and application form(PDF, 191KB).

A Customer Service Representative will then contact you on the number you have provided to finalise payment for your application.


Appropriate fees/charges must be paid at time of lodgement. Pre-lodgement meeting fees are in accordance with Council’s adopted fees and charges (see Fees and Charges on Council Website).

Payment Methods

Strathfield Council accepts payments by bank cheque, EFTPOS or credit card. Only Visa or Mastercard credit cards are accepted. Bank Cheques should be made payable to ‘Strathfield Municipal Council’.

Credit payments can be made by phone call to Council’s Customer Service on 9748 9999.

Meeting Timings

Once an application is received by Council, the assessing Planner will generally contact you within two (2) weeks to organise a meeting at a mutually convenient time.


Making a Submission

Public participation is an integral part of the development process.

Submissions Period

The submission period for each development application is in line with the notification period as outlined in Council’s Community Participation Plan.(PDF, 1MB)

Can Anyone Make a Submission?

Any person is entitled to make a submission, which may object to or support an application whether or not a notification letter has been forwarded to the person.

Making a Submission

Submissions should include the following characteristics:

  • The reasons for the objection or support
  • Indicate the name(s), telephone number, street address and email address of the person(s) making the submission
  • Quote the development application number and address of the property
  • Any other documents (such as plans or photographs) to support the submission
  • Suggestions of how the proposal may be modified to address the concerns raised

How to Lodge a Submission

Submissions can be submitted via email or post. Submissions submitted electronically are to be emailed to The subject of the email should include the word ‘submission’ as well as the Development Application number and address of the property.

Submissions submitted by post are to be addressed to the General Manager and posted to 65 Homebush Road, Strathfield NSW 2135.


Where petitions are received in respect of an application, the principal petitioner or where not nominated, the first petitioner, will be acknowledged for the purpose of future contact. Only the principal petitioner will be advised of timings regarding the determination of an application.

Contact details including name, address, telephone number and email are to be provided for the principal petitioner.

Disclosure of Submissions 

Submissions are not confidential. Submissions may be made publicly available on Council’s DA Tracker or can be accessed by the public through an application to access Council’s records under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Acknowledgement of Submissions

All submissions received by Council will be acknowledged as soon as practicable.

Anonymous Submissions

Anonymous submissions will not be considered.


Standards Variation Register

Register of Clause 4.6 and SEPP 1 Variations

Development standards are set out in the Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012 (SLEP 2012). Ordinarily standards cannot be varied. However, Clause 4.6 of a standard instrument LEP permits Council to have some flexibility when applying planning controls.

There is no automatic right to vary a development standard with the onus placed on the applicant to provide a written justification for the variation to the development standard. The test for granting a variation to a development standard is outlined in Clause 4.6(3) and (4) of the SLEP 2012.

Strathfield Municipal Council is required to provide a register of development applications where a variation to a development standard has been granted by Council. The register is submitted to the Department of Planning quarterly.

From 1 November 2023, Council is no longer required to maintain a Clause 4.6 Register or report to the Department of Planning as all Clause 4.6 variations are now recorded on the NSW Planning Portal and can be accessed via the portal.

You can download Council’s variation register below:












Duty Planner

Need Planning Help?

Strathfield residents have access to free consultations with Council’s Duty Planner. Simply head to Customer Service between 8.30am – 4pm Monday to Friday and ask to speak with a Duty Planner or call Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9748 9999. They can help you with all your approval and application needs.