
February 3 – Walk Safely and make your steps count

3 February 2011

Strathfield Council as participants of the Local Government Road Safety program is encouraging residents and local businesses to participate in a “Walk Smart – Walk Safely” program, promoting safer pedestrian behaviours, better health and cleaner air.

Strathfield Council aims to keep residents safe by reminding the community of pedestrian tips such as always walking on footpaths, avoid crossing roads between parked vehicles and use pedestrian crossings or refuges where possible. The ‘Stop, Look, Listen and Think’ message is a great reminder to all pedestrians to take caution when around roads.

Strathfield Council is encouraging all residents and businesses to promote safe pedestrian practices and kick start healthy routines by giving away free pedometers so individuals can track their daily physical activities by measuring the number of steps taken, as well as helping to improve their fitness.

“Walking is a great way to get active, it’s free and easy for most of us. You could take a walk at lunch and use the stairs instead of a lift or escalators. Park the car further from work or jump of the bus or train a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way,” Cr Maroun said.

Free pedometers will be available along with pedestrian safety tips from Council’s Customer Service Centre, Strathfield Library and the High Street Community Library from Monday 7 February.

For those residents interested in joining a local walking group, improving health and fitness while building community relationships and friendships, please leave your contact details when you collect your free pedometer.

For more information about Council’s Walk Safely program call Council on 9748 9999 or visit www.strathfield.nsw.gov.au
