
Green Innovations

For immediate release

3 March 2021

As part of the Premier’s Priority, Greening Our Cities, Strathfield Council has been awarded two grants to improve the liveability of the area by investing in trees and the environment.

Breathing New Life into Industrial Areas
The first grant will allow Council to partner with Macquarie University to examine the importance of selecting specific trees for public spaces, and how this selection can impact the capacity of trees to withstand future climatic change. Additionally the study will examine how the trees benefit the atmosphere by measuring the amount of particulate matter that is absorbed out of the atmosphere by each species.

The Cosgrove Road / Madeline Street precinct in Strathfield has been selected for the planting of this “Living Lab”. As an industrial area, this precinct is ideal for the study and will be improved by the greening. Local businesses in the area will be invited to participate in the project, providing valuable insight into the unique environment in which they operate.

It is anticipated that the findings of this research will inform future investment in street trees and provide evidence to support canopy development throughout not only the Strathfield LGA, but the entire Sydney Basin.

Cooks River Greening

Council will continue it’s commitment to improving the tree canopy cover across the LGA, with the awarding of a grant to plant a large number of trees along the Cooks River corridor.

Last year, Council planted over 1,265 trees in Hudson District Park. In 2021, Council’s attention turns to the popular Cooks River corridor. Over 1,060 trees will be planted in a number of public spaces adjoining this environmentally significant area.

Over the coming years, as the increased canopy matures, residents and businesses alike will enjoy the benefits of shade, temperature reduction and a healthier atmosphere to breathe.

This project is part of the Greening Our City grant program that is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Local Government NSW.

For more information, please visit Council’s website www.strathfield.nsw.gov.au.



For media enquiries, please contact:

Naomi Searle

Strathfield Council

9748 9992

