
If you are seeking information from Council, please search this website first as many council documents are available to view or print.

If you are seeking information from Council files, you can make a request for informal release of information, which does not involve payment of access fees.

You also have the right to make a formal access application.

Lodging a request

Persons making a formal access application have a legally enforceable right to be provided with this access unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information.

Formal Access applications must be in writing, specifying that access to information is sought under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, accompanied by a fee of $30 and must contain enough detail to identify the information to which access is sought.

Additional processing charges of up to $30 per hour processing may also apply to these applications.  Discounts are applicable to pensioners, full-time students and not for profit organisations or where a special benefit applies.

A ‘Formal Access Application’ form can be downloaded from this page or provided from Council’s Customer Service Centre.

Formal Access applications only apply to information held at the time the application is received and include information held by the Council’s contractors engaged to provide services to the public on behalf of Council.

Formal Access applications are not required for Open Access information.

Decisions are reviewable in certain circumstances.

Copyright restrictions

Information held by Strathfield Council is subject to the Copyright Act 1968.  The Copyright Act does not permit materials covered by copyright (eg documents, plans, photos etc) to be copied or published unless the owner of the copyright has given consent.  Council will make available documents to inspect but if there is no evidence of owner consent, Council can not provide copies of copyright materials.  The Office of Information Commissioner released a knowledge updated in April 2011 entitled ‘Copyright and Compliance with the GIPA Act’ which sets out copyright advice to local government.

Copying charges

Where documents are able to be reproduced the applicant will be required to meet all costs associated with photocopying, as set out in Council’s annual fees and charges schedule.

Where to inspect documents

Information will be available for inspection at Council’s Customer Service Centre, 65 Homebush Road, Strathfield, for seven (7) days from the date of notification. The centre is open Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
